How to ship a video on facebook maintaining an loftier quality. Factors to keep in mind when you send a video on facebook, are:

ane- Original quality of the footage: from what source is the video? gopro, camera, video photographic camera, mobile telephone. . .
2- Video Resolution
iii- Video bitrate
four- codec used for video capture

Our video captured with Panasonic G7 to 4K with 100mbps h264 codec and bitrate.

We clarify how to shrink a video Facebook:
FACEBOOK compresses videos only 720p at a low flake rate, for the HD  version 1.5 mbits max bitrate while the SD version merely 250Kbits (0,250mbits).

For this reason HAS NO SENSE send video on facebook to 4K (3840×2160) or full Hd 1080p (1920×1080), as the Facebook server will resize Ever bringing any video at a maximum resolution of 720p (1280×720).

Indeed, it is recommended to resize the video to be sent on facebook at 1280×720 Before you send it. The main reason is the size (weight in MB) that volition manifestly be less which means less time to upload, it is also wise DO Non RESIZE to Facebook because you lose sharpness.
So better to transport a video on Facebook already downsized to 720p, information technology saves on time and yous gain in quality. For fleck rate (ie the amount of video data) must find the right balance that results from the tests is to be considered effectually 16Mbits, max 20mbits in the case of video with many moving scenes.

inviare video su facebook con massima qualità

inviare video su facebook con massima qualità

The parameter to be set in the video pinch to be sent to Facebook using the H264 codec (x264 if you want to max quality) is

X264 CRF (in constant quality) and 18 preset every bit the medium.

Video shot with Canon 6D and optical Sigma 12/24 h264 codec in 90mbits

Why the video I posted on facebook you see evil? It has no quality despite being in HD?
The key issue is the origin of the movie, which device was filmed the movie to be sent on facebook. The quality of a semi pro camera or a camera like the Panasonic GH4 that records to 200mbps in h264, is quite dissimilar than a gopro with a modest sensor or even a mobile telephone.

Plays a critical role digital noise (racket) nowadays in different frames of the movie, the bit charge per unit at which it was recorded (100mbps have better quality of 30 or 40Mbps) quality means less pinch artifacts (the pixel blocks that are noticed in poorly compressed videos). The rule is: if you lot send a video on Facebook and I want to have the highest quality, the film should have from the start, otherwise information technology will endure as a recompression at a very low bit rate not exceeding 2Mbits will create pinch artifacts that ruin the picture show .[push button color="cerise" size="" blazon="" target="" link=""]GOOD HOME VIDEO + RESIZE 1280×720 + 16Mbits bitrate CRF 18 medium presets[/push button]
Here's another video on facebook made drone Phantom three Standard h264 codec at 40Mbps

I video elencati sono stati compressi con MEGUI in x264 alla risoluzione di 1280×720 impostando il convertitore video a 16mbps CRF xviii preset medium.
Questa è la qualità ottenibile su Facebook, ovviamente non paragonabile a quella di youtube o vimeo.

The videos listed were compressed with MeGUI x264 at 1280×720 setting the video converter to 16Mbps CRF 18 preset medium.
This is the quality achievable on Facebook, of course non comparable to that of youtube or vimeo.

Programs to use to send a video on facebook with highest quality

– VirtualDub (editing video freeware)
– Codec Pack (lagarith and other codecs)
– Handbrake (freeware x264 converter)
– MEGUI (best x264 encoder)
– StaxRip (multi encoder x264 / VP9)
– Bully Video (clean your video from noise)