Mellin Transform of Cosine Analytic Continuation
9.5 Analytic continuation of Mellin transforms
is analytic in the right-hand plane
Consider next the MT of the function . This is given by
Note that the integral does not converge absolutely, only conditionally. We can evaluate the integral by considering
where the contour is as shown in figure 10.1 .
Figure 9.16: Contour
From Cauchy's theorem
since the integrand is analytic inside Now
as provided Next with
provided Hence taking the limit as and we obtain
Hence the Mellin transform of is given by
(9.5.1) |
We can analytically continue into the right half-plane using the formula (9.5.1 ).
Similarly we showed earlier that the function has the Mellin transform
(9.5.2) |
again provided We can use (9.5.2 ) to analytically continue into the right half-plane . The analytic continuation gives a function which has simple poles at the positive integers.
Let be the Mellin transform of which is analytic in the strip . Suppose that as we have
where and is an increasing sequence in , and are non-negative integers. Then can be continued analytically into the right-half plane . The analytic continuation is such that
- If , then is analytic in the right-half plane.
- If then is analytic in the right half-plane.
- If then is analytic in the right-half plane except for poles.
The proofs of the results are given in detail in (Bleistein & Handelsman , 1975, chap. 4). Outline proofs are as follows:
Proof of (1) This follows from the properties of the Mellin transform given earlier. Proof of (2) Write
and express the second integral as
Note that where is such that .
So the first term is analytic in the extended strip
We need to prove that the term
can be analytically continued in the extended strip.
Let where as
The last term is of the form
and is analytic in the extended region
By integrating by parts times the integral
can be analytically continued into the extended region
Putting it all together this shows that the Mellin transform of can be analytically continued into the right-half plane as an analytic function.
Proof of (3) Introduce
and note that the Mellin transform of is
The first term is analytic in
As before the term
is analytic in the strip
The last term can be computed directly noting that
The right hand is analytic except for poles at in the extended strip , and since is arbitrary this proves the result.
The analytic continuation of into the left-half plane can be obtained and depends on the properties of as
Suppose that as we have
where and is an increasing sequence in , and are non-negative integers. Then can be continued analytically into the left-half plane . The analytic continuation is such that
- If , then is analytic in the left-half plane .
- If then is analytic in the left half-plane .
- If then is analytic in the left-half plane except for poles at with Laurent expansion
In summary, the above results show that the Mellin transform of a function , which has a particular type of asymptotic behaviour for small or large , can be analytically continued into the whole complex plane with at worst pole singularities at points which can be predicted by the asymptotic behaviour of for and
Example Consider
(9.5.3) |
which is analytic in the strip The analytic continuation of the transform into the left-half plane using (9.5.3 ) shows that the function is analytic in except for simple poles at as predicted by the theorem.
The Mellin transform of is given by
(9.5.4) |
We can analytically continue (9.5.4 ) into the left-half plane and the analytic continuation gives a function which has simple poles at the negative integers and a double pole at
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